Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February quickly coming to an end

If any of you recall, during the last blog I was getting over that nasty stomach bug that was going around. Luckily, since then it’s been smooth sailing! Let’s recap what I’ve been up too since the last blog!

February 22nd, was Ash Wednesday, as all practicing Catholics know, they are required to attend a service that day to repent and receive their ashes. I attended toe 7pm service at St. Pius after getting a ride from my friend Dottie. It was a nice service and I got my ashes. It was also another chance for me to sing in the choir. I have been there for a few years now and I really enjoy it. After mass I stopped off at McDonald’s for a Filet of Fish sandwich and some fries since Catholics can’t eat meat on Ash Wednesday.

The next day (Thursday) I hung out with my friends Sean and Dave. First we went to the mall so I could buy a custom hat to help promote David’s film group “DnDFilmmaking” ( After that we went and got dinner at Five Guys (I love this place) and then went and walked along Lynn Beach for a while. It’s always interesting meeting up with those two loose cannons. On a side note, they convince me they were taking me out to a fancy restaurant so I got dressed up in a suit only to eat a burger at a fast food joint!

After walking the beach I had then drop me off at St. Pius for choir practice. Our choir leader Pat Caulfield wants to get us ready with all the special music for Lenten services. I gotta say, I really enjoy rehearsals, it’s a lot of fun, but serious at the same time.

On Friday, I hung around the house for a while and ordered a Domino’s pizza (Mushrooms and Onions since its Lent). That night I met up with one of my best friends Drew Russo and we went to Rolly’s Golden Tavern for a drink and some food. We both drank Shipyards Applehead Beer. At one point our good friend Clint Muche also joined us!

I started Saturday off by hanging out with my good buddy Jacob. He came over to take a look at my computer since it’s been having issues. Basically he said it was old and needed to be fixed or replaced. After that sobering news we went and had lunch up at Buffalo Wild Wings inside the Liberty Tree Mall. Latter on I met up with Dave and our friend Pat Cliffe for some drinks and laughs down at the Lynnway Sportscenter.

Sunday was a relaxing day with the whole family. In the afternoon I went over to my good buddy Brendan Crighton's house to hear Congressman John Tierney speak, John is a good friend and I look forward to supporting his reelection campaign this year. After that I hung out with friends, ate, drank, and watched the Oscars. It was a fun night for sure.

The next day was important one because it was my mother’s birthday. I woke up early and had to get a couple things for her at Walgreens. Later we ordered some Chinese food and had a cake. It was a nice low key way to celebrate a special lady's special day.

Tuesday was a relaxing day, with not much going on until night time. In the evening I went to the Knights of Columbus to begin the process to become a knight. I passed the first step with flying colors. I look forward to the next steps in this journey and getting meet all the fellow brothers and getting involved in the council.

Well that catches you all up. Wednesday will be a fun day with a train trip to New Jersey and maybe a winter storm for Southern New England. Although the way this winter has been, one can't be too certain. But ill cover those both in the next post.

All for now

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