Saturday, February 18, 2012

Welcome to the Blog

    I have been meaning to start a blog for a while and I want to thank those who encouraged me to write about all I do and where I go and other stuff going on.
    Basically for those who are new to here, this blog is going to be about the places and things I do and visit. With some Sports, Music, Weather, Politics and other things in life mixed in.
    So where do I start? I might as well recap the last week. On Saturday, February 11th, 2012 there was the democratic caucus for the city of Lynn and I had the privilege to be nominated to represent ward 1 in Springfield at the Convention in June. I went last year in Lowell and it was a lot of fun, but it was an Issues Convention, this year we will be nominating candidates for the US Senate race to make it to the primary in September. There will be several good friends with me in Springfield so it should be a lot of fun.

The next day (Sunday) I went to mass at St. Pius, then went to Lynn Arts for an audio/video exhibit about Dimentia. My friend Mike Testa was involved with this. It was very interesting and had a lot going on. I was glad I got to check it out.

Monday I went into Boston and got to meet up with my good buddy Kareem, I hadn't seen him in while so it was great to catch up. We went to Zaftigs in Coolidge Corner, a very nice NY style deli. I got a deli sandwich and he got the Beef Brisket sandwich, both were great, I would definitely go there again.

The next few days I spent recovering from an unexpected cold. I guess it’s the time of year for the cold and flu to be around and it certainly found me. It’s not fun to feel like this, but it’s not the end of the world!

By Thursday I was feeling better and was able to get some stuff done around the house. It was nice to be productive again. In the afternoon I got a call from my friend Sean who wanted to hang out, so I met up with him and my other buddy David and we went to Fuddruckers. I normally get burgers there, but I wanted something different so I got a Steak Tip Caesar Salad, not bad once u enhance it at the condiment bar. However I think I’ll stick with burgers. I also got a Vanilla shake which was good. It is always an interesting time hanging with those two good friends.

Later that night I went to the Hibernian Hall for a fundraiser for my good friend School Committee Member Charlie Gallo. He had a good crowd and I knew a lot of people there so it was a nice time. The event had a 50/50 raffle, and to my surprise I won! I never win these things so that was cool. After the event we went to the bar at the Hibs and hung out and had couple beers with some friends.

Friday was relaxing day just doing stuff around the house.

My sister Angela has a new boyfriend. He seems like a nice guy, so I'm happy for her and wish her luck there.

Nothing new on the job hunt; didn't hear back from Grand Circle on a position I was interested in. But I got help from friends and family on improving my resume so that was good.

I recently booked a day trip riding the train to New Jersey, Feb 29th, post on this later.

Well this sums up the week pretty well, gonna make a new post on my Saturday/weekend stuff.

Hope you all liked this first post

Jack Suslak

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